Minx Mandate


 The Minx Mandate (2008)

Two surreal and hilarious interviews with Ben Goertzel & Aubrey de Gray from 16 years ago.

In pre-smartphone San Francisco, Madeline Minx, aka The Minx, aka Noemi Zeigler, faced down a bunch of weird tech luminaries, many of whom are still around today saying weird stuff and raising their arms in supplication to the Singularity Overlords.

Minx has been silly-stroking in a sea of her own neuroses for decades in the Bay Area, producing under-recognized works of genius across the domains of film, music, stage, and higher education.

I was a writer, shooter, and director on several episodes of her video series, The Minx Mandate. The above cut is my favorite stuff, featuring Transhumanist AI researcher, Ben Goertzel, and anti-aging researcher, Aubrey de Grey.

Look closely at the Goertzel interview and you might spot RU Sirius lurking in the background. (He arranged the shoot.)